Program: MPD/B.Mus. transfer - COMPOSITION
Program: MPD/B.Mus. transfer - COMPOSITION
Class Description: Exploration of strategies for creating conditions for successful performances, auditions, and lasting careers. Topics include: tactics and solutions for dealing with performance anxiety, centered performance, and skills for focused practice and rehearsal. Required for Artist Diploma.
Class Description: A study of the diatonic practices of harmony in tonal music and species counterpoint in modal music using written and analytical exercises.
Class Description: A study of the diatonic practices of harmony in tonal music and species counterpoint in modal music using written and analytical exercises. Expands upon MUS 101 - Music Theory I.
Class Description: An intensive ear-training and sight-singing course using the moveable “do” system. Tonal, atonal and multiple part diatonic music is studied.
Class Description: An intensive ear-training and sight-singing course using the moveable “do” system. Tonal, atonal and multiple part diatonic music is studied. Builds on the foundations established in MUS 121 - Ear Training I
Class Description: An overview of Western music from the Middle Ages to the present day. Representative scores are studied in conjunction with listening to provide a framework for understanding musical styles and practices.
Class Description: Exploration of Western music of the Baroque and Classic eras. Score studies are enriched with reference to composers and their cultural context. Includes fundamentals of research and writing about music.
Class Description: Each college student receives 32 one-hour private lessons during the academic year. Students also participate in master classes/technique classes/repertoire classes. Recital appearances are expected. Students may request a particular private instruction teacher. The Executive Director will assign the student to the requested teacher whenever space permits.
Class Description: Each college student receives 32 one-hour private lessons during the academic year. Students also participate in master classes/technique classes/repertoire classes. Recital appearances are expected. Students may request a particular private instruction teacher. The Executive Director will assign the student to the requested teacher whenever space permits..
Class Description: Students will create basic compositions for one to three instruments after analysis of a variety of 20th- and 21st-century techniques. Includes introduction to notation software. Required for Composition majors and first year students with theory background; open to other interested students with permission of instructor.