B.Mus.General Education Courses

General Education courses indicated in the curriculum charts are for the Bachelor of Music degree offered through Thompson Rivers University Open Learning. The cost of TRU-OL courses undertaken by VAM students is not covered by the VAM tuition. A current list of general education courses offered is found on the TRU-OL website.  The TRU-OL calendar provides detailed course descriptions as well as other helpful departmental information and is available from the VAM College Registrar. Students must select courses in the following areas to fulfill General Education course requirements: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Math/Science. General Education course work is subject to the regulations of the TRU-OL.

Summary of General Educational Requirements for the B.Mus. Degree

Courses offered by Thompson Rivers University, Open Learning (TRU-OL) or transfer credit recognized by the TRU-OL

English (Composition and Literature) 6 credits
Humanities 6 credits
Science or Math 3 credits
Social Sciences 6 credits
Total 21 credit hours

All students are required to enroll in 6 credits of TRU-OL courses

Acceptable courses in Humanities

  • Classical Studies
  • Fine Art (History and Survey Courses)
  • History
  • Humanities
  • Linguistics
  • Modern Languages and Literature
  • Philosophy

Acceptable courses in Science and Mathematics

  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Geology
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Geography
  • Physics

Acceptable courses in Social Sciences

  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Criminology
  • Economics
  • Geography (Regional)
  • Human Geography
  • International Relations
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology