First year Artist Diploma recital, consisting of a full length program with at least 60 minutes of music. It will be adjudicated by the applied music teacher and one other juror. Repertoire for the recital must be approved by the applied music teacher. For the AD in Composition, in place of the full recital in first year, the student can opt to submit a Portfolio of at least four original compositions of contrasting instrumentation presented in the form of printed scores (arrangements/orchestrations are not acceptable). At least three of the pieces should have performance documentation from the period of the school year, including programs and if possible recordings. These performances should have occurred within the period of the first year of study, and at least one of them should have taken place at VAM. Since it is encouraged for composition students to promote their work elsewhere, recordings of performances outside of the school environment are valued. A written statement of 750-1000 words about all submitted works and general thoughts on the composer’s style and ideas must be included. A short composer talk or lecture is also encouraged. If the Portfolio option is chosen, performances cannot be the same as those used for MUS 575 and 576.